The Challenge

So many cosmetic brands are available in the market today. Consumers are overloaded with information and constantly required to make choices. The Body Shop Japan was searching for a way to extend its brand message to such consumers, based on their belief that “business can be a force for good.” They also wanted to communicate with consumers through their products to increase their fan base and rebuild connections.

Our solution

The app provides ethical product information and brand messages that do not appear on the product labels to allow consumers to rationalize their purchases, make The Body Shop their favorite brand, and encourage them to support it.
In addition to stimulating consumers' interest in their products, words that embody the company's values, such as respect for diversity, affluence, good social practices, and protecting the environment, are also introduced in the app in a context that allows consumers to visualize them as part of their daily lives, which in turn leads to stimulating motivation to purchase of the products.