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「第24回LBAフォーラム」にMYLOHAS編集長 佐々木が登壇します
2012年10月24日(水)に開催される、 「第24回LBAフォーラム~ロハス&グリーンメディア編集長をお招きして~」に、 弊社メディア「MYLOHAS」編集長の佐々木が登壇致します。 メディア側から見た本音を交えながら…read more -
FRUITS BEARソリューションセミナーに弊社芹澤が登壇
2012年10月5日(金)に開催されたFRUITS BEARソリューションセミナーにて 弊社メディア開発 室長 芹澤樹がトーチライト村上様と登壇致しました。 gigyaを導入しているGIZMODOを中心とした弊社メディア…read more -
アドテック東京、ロックオンさまワークショップに弊社代表 今田とCOO 尾田が登壇
2012年10月31日(水)に開催されるロックオンさまワークショップに、弊社代表取締役CEO 今田素子と取締役COO 尾田和実が登壇いたします。 アドテック東京にご来場の方は、ぜひご参加ください。 ■アドテック東…read more -
Writer Minori Kai "MYLOHAS" Star Blog Starts!
I have been writing since October 9, 2012 (Tuesday) on ``MYLOHAS'', a web media that supports working LOHAS women's ON and OFF lives, operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Motoko Imada ku, Tokyo / CEO: Motoko Imada). Minori Kai's blog has more -
Gizmodo Japan , the monthly PV exceeds 47 million! The smartphone site is over 10 million!
Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) is a gadget blog media " Gizmodo Japan " ( in the fiscal year ending September 2012. Total page by more -
[Information published in the media] “There is a chance of success in reviving Cafe Globe”
In Nikkei Digital Marketing, an interview with Motoko Imada the representative director of the related company Infobahn , has been published in Mediagene Digital Marketing. Cafe Co., Ltd.'s media business and web solution announced on September 4 more -
The Infobahn site has been renewed.
I renewed the Infobahn site for the first time in four years. It was built in the company for six months for a project team. The biggest purpose of the renewal is to promote the media of its own sites. And a communication strategy planning more -
Mediagene first media briefing session for distributors was held.
On September 5th, Mediagene first media briefing session for distributors was held at Classica in Roppongi. First of all, I would like to say hello to all of you. Mediagene took over the media business of Cafe Globe, MySpi, Mylohas, Cafe Gro…read more -
Gizmodo Japan editor -in -chief received an interview with Nippon Television "ZIP!"
Gizmodo Japan , editor -in -chief, received an interview on the Nippon Television "ZIP!" (Thursday, September 6, 2012, 5: 50-8: 00 broadcast).read more -
[Media publication report] Regarding business transfer from Cafe Grove
On September 4th, "Regarding the business transfer of the media business and web solution business of Co., Ltd." was announced on Yahoo! In addition to being featured in topics, it was also featured in many news media. After…read more