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The Gritti editorial department has carefully selected 6 popular scented items!
Women's power MAX operated by Mediagene My strongest bible "Gritty (" has started a special autumn fragrance gift. [Autumn gift special] Which scent do you like? Oh…read more -
TABROID editor-in-chief Nagata will be on stage at the "Content Marketing Seminar" hosted by LINE Corporation scheduled to be held on October 23rd.
TABROID editor-in-chief Nagata will be on stage at the 2nd "Content Marketing Seminar" co-sponsored by Hatena x LINE x Nifty Daily Portal Z. The theme is about the latest web content examples. Hatena Co., Ltd. Yamada…read more -
メディアジーンが運営する、ガジェット系ブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン」( )は、2013年9月期における月間総ページビューが69,872,529PVとなり、過去最高を記…read more -
Cafe Grove participates in making original notebooks! The book “The notebook technique for working women who shines in both work and private life” (Yuki Asakura, Parco Publishing) will also be released on September 30.
The web media "Cafe Globe" ( operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. has collaborated with cooking researcher Yuki Asakura (Anayoshi) to create an original notebook for working women (Nakabayashi). KK…read more -
The second is a collaboration with manga! Beaming Life Store and Mediagene Women's Media Web Planning
Women's media operated by Mediagene (Glitty for 20's, MYLOHAS for 30's, cafeglobe for 40's) will start the second collaboration tie-up project for women with BEAMS Co., Ltd. on September 30th. …read more -
Business Development Department Manager Serizawa will be on stage at the seminar "Social Integration and Value for Owned Media" hosted by Torchlight Co., Ltd.
Serizawa, the manager of the business development department, will be on stage at the seminar "Social Integration and the value given to owned media" hosted by Torchlight Co., Ltd. on September 27th (Friday). <Seminar Overview> ”Social Integration…read more -
Gizmodo Japan achieved a record high of 11 million PV/day, 200,000 Twitter followers, and Facebook page likes! Over 120,000!
" Gizmodo Japan " ( operated by our company is a real-time report of Apple's "iPhone 5s/iPhone 5c" presentation held late at night on September 11th, Japan time ( …read more -
Gizmodo Japan has started distributing articles to au News
Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya -ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), the gadget blog media " Gizmodo Japan " ( is the company's media Kotaku JAPAN more -
Solving fashion problems for career women! “Cafe Globe” starts a new fashion series “Wearing Cram School”
Our web media for women in their 40s “Cafe Globe” ( has started a new series introducing techniques for mixing and matching seasonal fashion items. At the start of the serialization, a reader survey…read more -
メディアジーンの事業開発部マネージャー・芹澤とライフハッカー[日本版]の編集長・年吉が、トラフィック向上に効くポイントをGoogle Japanのオンラインセミナーで紹介
メディアジーンの事業開発部マネージャー・芹澤とライフハッカー[日本版]の編集長・年吉が、2013年8月27日、Google Japanのオンラインセミナー「熱血!AdSense部 〜10の挑戦〜」に出演しました。 「熱血…read more