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メディアジーンが運営するウェブメディア「コタク・ジャパン」(は、2016年4月11日をもちまして、アメリカのGawker Media社とのライセンス契約を終了することになりまし…read more -
メディアジーンが運営するテクノロジー・ブログメディア「ギズモード・ジャパン(」は、3月21日(月)より5日間、メディアアーティストで筑波大学助教の落合陽一さんをゲスト編集長に…read more -
An interview between "cafeglobe" acting editor-in-chief Fujishima and " Gizmodo Japan " editorial staff Suzuki is published on "Net PR.JP"
Interview with Fujishima, deputy editor-in-chief of "cafeglobe" ( operated by Mediagene , and Suzuki, editorial staff of " Gizmodo Japan " ( …read more -
Lifehacker editor-in-chief Yoneda's interview published in "amu"
An interview with Tomohiko Yoneda, editor-in-chief and executive editor of "Lifehacker [Japanese version]" ( operated by Mediagene , was published on "amu". How I became an editor and more -
GLITTY editor-in-chief Keiko Shinoda will appear on J-WAVE "PARADISO" and talk about the special moves of love.
Keiko Shinoda, editor-in-chief of the women's media "GLITTY" ( operated by Mediagene , will appear on J-WAVE "PARADISO" on February 19 (Friday). Talk about a killer move. “PA…read more -
Misa Maruyama, deputy editor-in-chief of Mylohas, appears on J-WAVE "PARADISO"
Misa Maruyama, acting editor-in-chief of the female media “MYLOHAS” ( operated by Mediagene , appeared live on J-WAVE “PARADISO” on Friday, January 15th. Masu. “PA…read more -
メディアジーンの年末年始の休業日につきまして、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。 2015年12月29日(火)~2016年1月3日(日) 新年は1月4日(月)より通常営業いたします。 本年もご愛顧いただき、誠にありがとうご…read more -
Launched beta version of “ Machi-ya ”, a next-generation marketplace that includes EC, recruitment, and crowdfunding
Mediagene is a market project that includes EC, recruitment, and crowdfunding as a joint business with Shinto Tsushin Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naka-ku, Nagoya / Representative Director: Kikuro Tani), which provides the online shop construction ASP service Goodsie. …read more -
Gizmodo Japan will hold a Q&A session on Twitter with media artist Yoichi Ochiai on Wednesday, December 2nd
Gizmodo Japan (, a technology blog media operated by Mediagene , will be hosting an event with Yoichi Ochiai, a media artist and assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba, from 10pm on Wednesday, December 2nd. Twit…read more -
gene editor-in-chief Keiko Shinoda appears on J-WAVE "SMILE ON SUNDAY"
Keiko Shinoda, editor-in-chief of gene (, a female media operated by Mediagene , will appear on J-WAVE “SMILE ON SUNDAY” on Sunday, November 22nd. "SMILE ON …read more