Declaration of Personal Information Protection
As Mediagene Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) conducts online media-related business, we make sure our directors and employees understand the great social responsibility associated with protecting personal information, and we observe laws and regulations related to protecting individual rights and personal information. To uphold the policy below, the Company has set up a personal information protection management system based on JIS Q 15001 and we are committed to continuously improving through company-wide initiatives.
Personal Information Protection Policy
1. Handling of personal information
When the Company acquires personal information, we will clarify the purpose of acquisition in advance and limit acquisition and usage to within the minimum scope necessary upon receiving consent from the individual. In principle, we will not acquire personal information exceeding the scope necessary to achieve the stated purpose of use. If the need arises to use personal information outside the original purpose of use, we will ask for the individual’s consent again.
2. Observance of laws and regulations
The Company’s employees will observe the laws and regulations related to the handling of personal information, and all other national guidelines and standards.
3. Security measures
The Company will take reasonable security measures and corrective actions regarding risks such as unauthorized access to personal information, and the full or partial loss of, damage to, alteration of, and leakage of personal information.
4. Provision of personal information
The Company will not provide personal information to a third party without the prior consent from the individual, except in the cases mentioned in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, Article 23, Paragraph 1.
When entrusting the management of personal information, subcontractors with adequate levels of protection are chosen based on Company standards.
5. Handling of complaints and inquiries
The Company has set up a personal information help desk to speedily respond to requests related to the disclosure of, corrections to, and deletion of personal information. Please contact the help desk below if you have any questions, requests, or concerns regarding the Company’s handling of personal information.
Inquiries related to personal information
6. Always striving to be better
The Company is constantly reviewing our management system to make improvements and to uphold the points above.
Established: February 1, 2008
Last revised: April 1, 2022
Mediagene Co., Ltd.
Representative Director Motoko Imada
Handling of Personal Information
1. Types of personal information handled and purposes of use
(1) Personal information acquired through membership registration, survey responses, present applications, event participation, community member recruitment, inquiries, and sales data
Personal information may be acquired via the website at the time of membership registration, survey responses, present applications, event participation, community member recruitment, inquiries, and sales data applications, and will be used only for the respective purposes.
(2) Personal information related to media coverage
The Company may acquire personal information from interviewees when gathering information to share via our media channels. This personal information will be used to contact the interviewee and conduct business, such as payment for their services.
(3) Personal information related to production materials
For content creation, the Company may receive information from the creator of said content that will be turned into materials, and we may gather information through interviews as well. Personal information may be acquired during such activities. This personal information will only be used to create content. If any payments should arise, the information will be used to get in touch, process payments, and process accounts.
(4) Personal information acquired through transactions
We may send New Year's cards, relocation notices, and other greetings by email, fax, or post to those with whom we have ongoing business transactions (including our corporate contacts). We will also use said information to perform office work in accordance with the transaction content.
(5) Personal information acquired through events
When an event is held, the personal information of participants and related personnel is acquired to send notifications regarding dates and times, locations, content, seminar fee payments, and followups to the participants and related personnel.
(6) Personal information acquired through recruiting activities
Personal information acquired through recruiting activities, such as resume details, is only used to decide whether or not to hire the respective individual. Information on those hired will be managed as Company employee information in line with our internal regulations.
(7) Personal information of shareholders
The Company acquires personal information to create stakeholder data based on the standards of related laws and to manage our stakeholders so that the Company exercise its rights and fulfil its obligations based on the Companies Act and the Commercial Code, provide various benefits, and to take various measures to help maintain healthy relationships between the Company and our stakeholders.
(8) Personal information of Company employees
This information is used for business-related notifications, to create the employee list, processes required by law (including after the individual resigns), other employment management, HR screenings, labor management, assignments and loaned employees, remuneration and payment thereof, tax processing, social health insurance processes, welfare provision, and proper health management (information from workers’ health checkup results will not be acquired, used, or shared, unless required by law). This information is also used for Company public relations and advertising activities.
(9) Other notes
The Company uses the information provided by our readers needed to handle inquiries and provide support.
*The Company may use the information acquired from Users and members to create anonymized data and then edit, publish, or sell said data.
*For details on how the Company handles informative data, please see our separately defined Informative Data Policy .
2. The Company’s safety measures regarding personal information
(1) Basic protocols
The Company has created this Privacy Policy based on related laws and guidelines to ensure the proper handling of personal information.
(2) Diligent handling of personal data
Our Company provides personal information protection management system materials, including a Personal Information Protection Manual, that explain how to handle personal data.
(3) Organizational security control measures
Clarify the responsibility system for handling personal data, clarify employees who handle personal data and personal data that can be handled by such employees, and facts or signs of violation of laws and internal regulations We have established a reporting and contacting route to the person in charge in the event that a violation is identified.
(4) Personnel safety measures
We have our employees take seminars on personal data handling when they join the company and regularly afterwards. Matters regarding the confidentiality of personal data are defined in our employee handbook.
(5) Physical safety measures
In areas where personal data is handled, entry by employees and items that employees can bring in are restricted, and we have measures in place to prevent unauthorized access to the personal data.
We have anti-theft and loss prevention measures in place for equipment, electronic devices, and documents that handle personal data, as well as measures to prevent the disclosure of personal data when said equipment, devices, and documents are taken out, including when they are moved internally.
(6) Technical safety measures
Access to our information systems is restricted, as are the related personnel and the scope of the databases that are handling personal data.
(7) Understanding external environments
If personal data held by the Company is handled in a foreign country, necessary and appropriate measures will be taken to safely manage the personal data after we get a firm understanding of the respective country’s systems relating to personal information protection.
3. Joint use of personal information
We may share the collected personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
(1) Joint use within our group
(personal information to be jointly used)
, name (furigana)
, email address
, telephone number
(company group to be jointly used)
, Infobahn
, MASHING UP General Incorporated Association
(users) Purpose of use)
Same as [Handling of personal information 1. Types of personal information handled and purpose of use].
(Person with management responsibility for joint use)
Mediagene Co., Ltd.
23-2 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Motoko Imada
(2) Joint use with CAMPFIRE Co., Ltd.
(Personal information jointly used)
User registration data and service usage data
(companies used jointly)
(Purpose of use by users)
Antisocial society of registered users - To determine the appropriateness of
the group's services and products, etc., campaigns and sweepstakes plans, and conduct surveys
- To send e-mail magazines and direct mail
(services subject to joint use)
(person with management responsibility for shared use)
201 Hillside Terrace Building F,
18-8 Sarugaku-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0033 Representative Director, President and CEO Kazuma Ieiri
(3) Joint use with AnyMind Japan Co., Ltd.
(Personal information to be jointly used)
Name, furigana
, address
, telephone number
, email address
, password
, shipping information
, Giz-Yatai (hereinafter referred to as "this shop" ”) Transaction history and its contents
・Information that can identify a specific individual by combining the above
(companies used jointly)
・AnyMind Japan Co., Ltd.
(purpose of use by users)
・For the provision of our shop services
・To respond to information, inquiries, etc. regarding our shop services
- To respond to acts that violate our shop's terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") regarding
- Our shop services To notify you of changes to the terms and conditions,
etc. To help improve our shop's services, develop new services, etc.
- To create statistical data in a format that does not allow identification of individuals in connection with our shop's services
- To provide information on our services, products, etc., and email newsletters , to send direct mail, plan campaigns/sweepstakes, and conduct surveys
(Person with management responsibility for shared use)
AnyMind Japan Co., Ltd.
31st Floor, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, 6-10-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Otohiko Kozutsumi
(4) Joint use with STRACT Co.
(4) Joint use with STRACT Corporation (Personal information to be jointly used)
E-mail address
(4) Joint use with STRACT Corporation (Personal information to be jointly used) ・Email address
(Company to be jointly used)
(Purpose of use by the party using the information)
To provide PLUG Wishlist service
To improve and develop PLUG Wishlist service
To create statistical data related to PLUG Wishlist in a format that does not allow individuals to be identified.
To send information about our services and products, mail magazines, and direct mailings.
(Services subject to joint use)
PLUG Wishlist
(Party responsible for management of shared use)
1-28-2 Shoto, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Teru Ito
(5) Joint use with Shinto Tsushin Co., Ltd.
(Personal information jointly used)
Name, furigana
, address
, telephone number
, email address
, password
, delivery information
, CoSTORY (hereinafter referred to as "this shop") ) Transaction history and its contents
- Information that can be used to identify a specific individual by combining the above
(companies used jointly)
- Shinto Tsushin Co., Ltd.
(purpose of use by users)
- To provide our shop services
- To respond to information and inquiries regarding our shop services
- To respond to acts that violate our shop's terms, policies, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "Terms, etc.") regarding our shop services
- Our shop To notify you of changes to the terms of service, etc.
To help improve our shop's services and develop new services, etc.
create statistical data in a format that does not allow identification of individuals in connection with our shop's services. To provide information on our services and products, send e-mail magazines, direct mail, plan campaigns and sweepstakes, and conduct surveys (services subject to joint use)
(person with management responsibility for joint use)
Co., Ltd. 23-2 Maruyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Miyako Representative Director Motoko Imada
Disclosure of Retained Personal Data and Third Party Records
We store and manage "1" above and information on our employees as retained personal data. With respect to the items of personal information listed below, we will respond to requests for disclosure, modification, etc. (correction, addition, or deletion of content), suspension of use, etc. ("suspension of use or deletion" and "suspension of provision to third parties") from the individual or his/her representative (such requests are hereinafter referred to as "disclosure, etc."). In addition, disclosure of records of provision of retained personal data to third parties will also be handled in the same manner as for disclosure, etc. of retained personal data.
(1) Provision
Items of retained personal data
Name, address, company name, contact information, payment information and interview details, etc.
Contents of resume, curriculum vitae, etc.
(2) Purpose of use of retained personal data
1" above
(3) Where to request disclosure, etc.
To make a request for disclosure, etc., please fill out our designated application form, attach the necessary documents, and send it to us by mail.
For the application form designated by the Company, please contact the Company at the address given at the end of this document.
(4) Documents, etc. to be submitted when requesting disclosure, etc.
When making a request for disclosure, etc., please fill in all necessary items on the application form designated by the Company and enclose documents for identification.
Please fill out the prescribed application form and enclose documents for identification.
One copy of a driver's license, passport, or other official document for identification purposes.
(5) Request for Disclosure, etc. by proxy
If the person making the Request for Disclosure, etc. is a legal representative of the principal, or a representative authorized by the principal to make the Request for Disclosure, etc., please contact our Inquiry Desk.
(6) Fees for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
No fee will be charged.
(7) Method of response to requests for disclosure, etc.
We will reply to the applicant by electromagnetic record or in writing.
(8) Purpose of use of personal information acquired in connection with a request for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained in response to a request for Disclosure, etc. will be handled only to the extent necessary to respond to the request for Disclosure, etc.
(9) Reasons for non-disclosure
In the event that any of the following items 1 through 7 apply, the information will not be disclosed. If a decision is made not to disclose the information, a notice to that effect and the reason for the decision will be given. 1.
(1) When the identity of the applicant cannot be confirmed, such as when the address on the application form, the address on the documents for identity verification, and the address registered with the Company do not match.
(2) When the authority of representation cannot be verified when an application is submitted by a proxy.
(3) When the prescribed application documents are incomplete
4. when the subject of the request for disclosure does not fall under the category of retained personal data
5. when there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the person in question or a third party
(6) if there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business
(7) if it is in violation of laws and regulations
5. Inquiries and complaints regarding the protection of personal information
The Company properly handles personal information and has appointed a personal information protection manager to make sure that all inquiries, complaints, and concerns regarding personal information are handled appropriately. For inquiries and concerns related to the Company’s handling of personal information, please contact the help desk below.
For inquiries related to personal information held by the Company, please contact the help desk below.
Contact point for complaints, consultations, and disclosure of personal information and inquiries regarding personal information protection policy
Please select “About Personal Information Protection Management” from the “Inquiry Content” section on the following page, and then contact us.