Mediagene user trends

Segmentation is based on user data across all media operated by Mediagene.
By capturing the interests of the target and planning, more effective communication can be achieved.


Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in smartphones 9,394,510 (90 days)
Interested in outdoor activities 7,243,902 (90 days)
interested in cameras 4,070,724 (90 days)
Interested in smartwatch 1,465,515 (90 days)
interested in tablets 3,409,284 (90 days)
interested in computer 6,219,596 (90 days)
interested in games 2,399,881 (90 days)
Interested in computers other than Macs 5,100,266 (90 days)
Interested in earphones/headphones 2,080,638 (90 days)
interested in cars 785,549 (90 days)
interested in television 2,206,350 (90 days)
interested in speakers 1,028,615 (90 days)
Interested in interior design 23,946,027 (90 days)
Interested in convenience goods 4,454,206 (90 days)
interested in home appliances 11,165,131 (90 days)
Interested in cooking appliances and cooking goods 2,600,135 (90 days)


Segment Name Audience (UU)
Interested in skincare 2,037,224 (90 days)
Interested in fashion and accessories 8,672,869 (90 days)


Segment Name Audience (UU)
Awareness of acquiring IT skills is high 3,782,349 (90 days)
Highly conscious of career advancement and learning 2,051,258 (90 days)

Startup & Job Change

Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in startups 2,503,498 (90 days)
Interested in becoming independent & starting a business 734,503 (90 days)
Interested in local employment 177,217 (90 days)


Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in food 4,038,816 (90 days)
interested in cooking 6,749,357 (90 days)

real estate

Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in buying real estate 593,385 (90 days)
interested in renovations 291,111 (90 days)


Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in travel 4,716,469 (90 days)


Segment Name Audience (UU)
Highly conscious about sustainability 2,906,036 (90 days)
High awareness of D&I initiatives 524,844 (90 days)
Highly conscious about work style reform 524,844 (90 days)
Highly conscious about social contributions 713,045 (90 days)

asset formation

Segment Name Audience (UU)
interested in financial investment 2,768,518 (90 days)
interested in stock investment 1,393,307 (90 days)
Interested in NISA and iDeCo 394,261 (90 days)
Interested in real estate investment 100,7035 (90 days)


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