Content marketing and native advertising
On May 15th, the Spring 2013 Mediagene media briefing session was held at Claska in Roppongi. I introduced several topics, one of which was the effect of Gizmodo and Lifehacker sponsored posts on consumer behavior...read more -
株式会社メディアジーン(本社:東京都渋谷区/代表取締役:今田素子)が運営する、「いえ」をテーマにしたライフスタイル・メディア「roomie(ルーミー)」の公式Twitterフォロワー数が10,000人を突破しました。 昨…read more -
The love styling media “Gritty” will hold a “Mote Makeup Course” where professionals will answer your worries!
“Glitty” (http://www.glitty.jp/), a romance styling media for women in their 20s, operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), is an extraordinary, heart-pounding website. Present your experience for free...read more -
I attended ad:tech San Francisco.
I went to ad:tech held in San Francisco on April 9th and 10th. I have participated in ad:tech several times in Japan and abroad, but this event is not just a study session where participants listen to each seminar and learn something, but a kino...read more -
「TOKYO WORK DESIGN WEEK 2013」キックオフ・イベントにライフハッカー編集長 年吉が登壇しました
今秋に予定されている「TOKYO WORK DESIGN WEEK 2013」のキックオフ・イベントが4月19日、渋谷ヒカリエにて開催。ライフハッカー[日本版]編集長の年吉がモデレーターとして参加しました。 出演は、ヤフ…read more -
Love styling media “Glitty” starts a new series “Show me what’s in your bag!” interviewing attractive women
Gritty (http://www.glitty.jp/), a web media for women operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), is running a new series interviewing working women in their 20s. "Show me what's in your bag...read more -
Collaboration between Cafe Grove and Mari Natsuki! Cafe Grove has started providing articles for Natsuki Mari WEB magazine "NATSUKI ROCK -WHAT IS LUXURY?-"! In commemoration of the collaboration, Mari Natsuki x Cafe Globe Editor-in-Chief talks
"Cafe Globe" (http://www.cafeglobe.com/), an information site for women in their 40s, operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), is run by player Mari Natsuki. La, who serves as the editor-in-chief...read more -
Over 370,000 Yen! The site for women "Cafe Globe" has started a luxury skin care cosmetic gift for real careers in their 40s!
A total of 370,000 yen on Cafe Globe (http://www.cafeglobe.com/), an information site for women operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada )! Luxury skin care cosmetics...read more -
「WOMEN’S MAGAZINE in AOGAKU」にギズモード編集長 大野が登壇しました
2013年3月10日(土)に青山学院大学で開催された、集英社女性誌9誌によるチャリティイベント「WOMEN’S MAGAZINE in AOGAKU」。 その中のMAQUIAオリジナルワークショップの『鈴木え…read more -
The number of likes on Roomie 's official Facebook page has exceeded 20,000 people! Additionally, a new "tag cloud" has been installed on the site's top page.
The official Facebook page of `` Roomie '', a lifestyle media with the theme of ``Ie'', operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), has reached 20,000 likes. I broke through...read more