roomie ( Roomie ) achieved 3.5 million PV per month. The number of likes on our Facebook page has exceeded 23,000 people!
Lifestyle media “ Roomie ” (http://www.roomie.jp/), operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), has been operating since May 2013. Total number of page views in…read more -
An interview with Gizmodo Japan Editor-in-Chief Ohno was published in "Men's HOLOS"
An interview with Gizmodo Japan editor -in -chief Ono was published in the web magazine "MEN'S HOLOS" for men aiming for "healthy hair" from a holistic perspective issued by Leve 21. Best partner to live a healthy life ...read more -
ギズモード・ジャパン編集長 大野がJ-WAVE「TOKYO MORNING RADIO」に出演します
5月29日(水)朝6時から放送予定のJ-WAVE「TOKYO MORNING RADIO」に、ギズモード・ジャパン編集長 大野が出演します。 6時30分からの「Pleasure Pick Up」というコーナーで、最新ガジ…read more -
The first video is also released! Lifehacker's new series "Presentation Iron Man" has started
"Lifehacker [Japanese version] (http://www.lifehacker.jp/)" operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Motoko Imada ) is a new series "Iron Man of Presentation" I started. Unique presentation every time...read more -
Native Ads and Content Attribution
A sponsored post by Gizmodo and Lifehacker was posted on the Web Manager Forum with the title, ``What is the contribution of tie-up ads in the media to conversion? A thorough analysis of GIZMODO & Lifehacker's content attribution.''read more -
メディアジーンは、5月15日(水)に第2回媒体説明会を開催しました。 ご来場いただいたのは、日ごろからお付き合いのある広告代理店の担当者様およそ100名。六本木のザ クラシカ東京にて、ランチをお召し上がりいただきながら、…read more -
An article about content attribution for GIZMODO/lifehacker sponsored posts was posted on the web staff forum
An article regarding content attribution for sponsored posts in the media operated by our company, ``GIZMODO'' and ``lifehacker,'' was posted on the Web Manager Forum. ■Medi…read more -
Director Kobayashi supervised "Strategic content marketing for success in owned media" released!
The book ``Strategic Content Marketing for Success in Owned Media'' (Authors: Robert Rose, Joe Pulidge, Translation: Sakura Morioka, Publisher: Shoeisha, Supervision: Hiroto Kobayashi ) was supervised by our director Kobayashi. , May 24th (Friday), from Shoeisha...read more -
「第一回ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード」の二次審査員として、マイロハ ス編集長の佐々木が参加しました
一般社団法人ソーシャルプロダクツ普及推進協会が行った、「第一回ソーシャルプロダクツ・アワード」の二次審査員として、マイロハス編集長の佐々木彩子が参加いたしました。 なお、本アワードは、企業および他の全ての組織が、生活者の…read more -
"MYLOHAS" is running a summer cosmetics giveaway campaign for all 15 natural cosmetics brands, including Jurlique!
In 2013, MYLOHAS, a lifestyle web media for women in their 30s, operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), has the concept of ``coordinating a beautiful way of life.'' Five…read more