April 9th (Monday) MYLOHAS 6th Anniversary Event “LOHAS BEAUTY NIGHT powered by Sleep Lab” will be held! Cast: Kahimi Karie, Noel Kirishima
"MYLOHAS", which is operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / CEO: Motoko Imada ) and supports working LOHAS women on and off, will celebrate the 6th anniversary of MYLOHAS on Monday, April 9, 2012. Event “LOHAS BEA…read more -
GIZMODO JAPAN , Lifehacker [Japanese version], and Kotaku JAPAN speed up your smartphone site! Improving display speed and browsing performance for a more comfortable experience
“ GIZMODO JAPAN ”, “Lifehacker [Japanese version]” and “Kotaku JAPAN” operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) were launched on smartphone sites on March 26, 2012.read more -
株式会社メディアジーンは、2012年3月9日から2012年3月14日までテキサスにて開催された「SXSW」のトレードショーに出展いたしました。 デジモ(http://www.mydigimo.com/)とタブロイ…read more -
"MySpi" Android app that allows you to check the fortune-telling of topics such as Ryuji Kagami every day is now available for free!
``Myspi'' (http://www.myspiritual.jp/), a yurufuwa navigator that increases your happiness↑, operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ), has released an official Android app. …read more -
[To all MYLOHAS members] Request to update registration information
Thank you for visiting MYLOHAS. For members whose registered e-mail address is currently unusable, Article 3 of the Membership Terms of Use (http://www.mylohas...read more -
Kotaku JAPAN surpasses 5 million page views per month! Unique counterculture news, such as overseas doujinshi beautiful girl games and the backgrounds of famous beautiful cosplayers, are becoming a hot topic.
Kotaku JAPAN (http://www.kotaku.jp/), a cultural information site centered on gaming topics, is operated by Mediagene Inc. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) since 2012. Year 1…read more