誠に勝手ながら、弊社では2012年12月29日(土)より2013年1月3日(木)まで、年末年始休業とさせていただきます。 期間中ご不便をお掛け致しますが、何卒ご理解いただきますようお願い申し上げます。 2013年も社員一…read more -
株式会社メディアジーン(本社:東京都渋谷区/代表取締役:今田素子)が運営する、「いえ」をテーマにしたキュレーション・メディア「roomie(ルーミー)」(http://www.roomie.jp/)のFACEBOOKペー…read more -
12月7日、インターネット競売サイト「ワールドオークション」運営者が、手数料詐欺容疑で逮捕されました。弊社メディアジーンが運営する「ギズモード・ジャパン」「ライフハッカー[日本版]」「コタク・ジャパン」は、2010年7月…read more -
Love styling media "Glitty" where girls who are sensitive to cute ☆ is open!
Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) announced on December 3rd ( Monday) New love style for women in their 20s...read more -
"Cafe Grove" site renewal commemorative party pattern was posted
The renewal party held on November 29th (Thursday) as the eve of the site opening of our company's site for women "Cafe Grove" was published in the following media. 100 female readers, mostly in their 40s, gathered at the party. Celebration…read more -
The site for women "Cafe Grove" will reopen on November 30th. From politics and economics to fashion and beauty, it is full of what women want to know. At the eve of the festival, Junichi Ishida cheers for women in their 40s!
Cafe Globe (http://www.cafeglobe.com/), an information site for women, was transferred to Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) in September of this year. November 30th (Friday) New look...read more -
2012年12月11日(火)に開催される、株式会社adingo(http://adingo.jp/)主催の「【スマホWEBメディア担当者限定】あの有名スマホメディアはどうやって収益化しているのか!?~トークセッション&交…read more -
Website for women "Cafe Grove" has been renewed. On November 29th, a reader event was held with 100 participants to commemorate the renewal. Talk show with Junichi Ishida, Tomoko Chris, and Hideko Kogure
Mediagene (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo / Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) received a business transfer in September this year. Now open...read more -
Yuki Asakura (commonly known as “Anakichi”), a loose vegetarian cuisine researcher, has started “MYLOHAS” star blog!
Motoko Imada , a loose vegetarian cuisine researcher (commonly known as “ Mediagene Yoshi”-san’s blog has started…read more -
roomie ( Roomie ) achieved 1 million PV per month. The number of likes on our Facebook page has exceeded 7,000!
Roomie is a curation media with the theme of “Ie” (http://www.roomie.jp/) operated by Mediagene Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo/Representative Director: Motoko Imada ) As of October 2012...read more